Category Archives: Christ Our Life CD

This free worship music CD is written and composed by brothers from the fellowship with the exception of the lyrics to “Behold The Lamb.” You are welcome to make additional copies of these songs for free distribution to others. You may also use these songs at your places of fellowship. All other forms of distribution and reproduction are prohibited. May God bless you and His word as you listen with an honest and humble heart. © 2010 – Christ Our Life Christian Ministries

1. Who Is Like The Lord

Who Is Like The Lord
Psa 113

Praise the Lord, O servants of the Lord
Praise the name of the Lord
Bless His name, from this time forth
And forevermore

Who is like the Lord our God
Who dwells on high
Who humbles Himself to behold the things
In heaven and in the earth?

He raises the poor out of the dust
And lifts the needy from the ashes
To seat him with princes
He grants the barren a home
Like a joyful mother

© 2010 –

2. Battle Song

Battle Song
Psa 29; Isa 66:6

Let’s dance for Jesus, let’s dance for the LORD
Let’s dance for Jesus, He is our reward
He is our praise, He is our song
We lift our voice, we raise our arms

Let’s shout for Jesus, let’s shout for the LORD
Let’s shout for Jesus, He is our reward
He is our praise, He is our song
We lift our voice, we raise our arms

The voice of the LORD over waters
The voice of the LORD shakes the desert
The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars
The voice of the LORD full of power

The voice of the LORD from the city
The voice of the LORD from the temple
The voice of the LORD like a thunder
The voice of the LORD bringing vengeance

Nations will bow before You
Peoples and tongues will adore You, singing
Glory, glory, glory to the LORD!

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3. He Will Deliver Us

He Will Deliver Us
2 Cor 1:10; Isa 59:16; Jn 6:35; 1 Pet 1:9

We have been saved from our transgressions
He gives us grace so we can stand
We’re being saved in tribulation
He will deliver us again

He has, and He does, and He will deliver us
He has, and He does, and He will deliver us

He sent His arm to come and save us
Because He saw there was no man
He sends His Spirit to empower us
This is our God, the great I AM

Let the thirsty come to Him and drink,
and keep on drinking
Let all who ask be given bread, be filled again
Those who believe the Son of Man,
and keep believing
Receive the end of faith salvation of their souls

© 2010 –

4. Thanks Be To Our God

Thanks Be To Our God
2 Cor 2:14-15; Eph 3:20-21

We are the temple of Christ
The fullness of God is at work in us
He is our hope and our life
Jesus is making us glorious

Thanks be to our God
Who always leads us in triumph
Thanks be to our God
Who always leads us in triumph in Christ

We are the fragrance of Christ
Diffusing His knowledge in every place
We are the salt and the light
Sharing the hope of His glorious grace

To Him who is able to do
Abundantly more than we ask Him to
Through His power in us
Glory and honor belong to You

© 2010 –

5. Christ Our Life

Christ Our Life
Col 3:1-4, 10, 12-17

I’ve been raised with my eternal King
Now Lord help me set my mind above
Not on things here that are perishing
For I’ve died my life’s in God

Jesus clothe me in humility
In Your kindness, and in tender mercies
Help me to always forgive
And to put on love

And when Christ our life appears
Then we will appear with Him
So we put to death our members here
So that Christ can be our life

Let Your peace rule in my heart today
With thanksgiving and longsuffering
Bearing with all things in love
Putting on the new man

Let Your Word dwell richly in my heart
Teaching others in all heavenly songs
Singing with all thankfulness
Doing all in Your name

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6. From Glory To Glory

From Glory To Glory
Phil 3:20, 21; 2 Cor 5:2-4; 1 Jn 3:2; 4:17

From heaven’s place we eagerly wait,
For Jesus our Savior to come;
Who will transform and make to conform,
Our lives to the glorious Son.

In this we groan to be further clothed,
With our habitation from Thee.
Burdened inside this tent, Lord, we cry,
To swallow up mortality.

We all with unveiled face behold
The glory of our great King,
Are being transformed from things of old,
From glory to glory

We shall be like our Lord Jesus Christ,
For we shall see Him as He is.
With boldness to stand when judgment’s at hand,
Because we are just as He is!

© 2010 –

7. Show Your Kindness

Show Your Kindness
Isa 57:15; Ezek 37:5; Heb 4:12; Rom 2:4

Jesus, come revive us
Bring Your breath, and give us life
Jesus, send Your word to us
Soul and spirit to divide

Lord revive us, purify us
Living Word, come pierce our hearts
Show Your kindness, and lead us
To repentance, O God

Jesus, purify us
By Your Spirit sanctify
Jesus, come and change us
So our lives reflect Your life

© 2010 –

8. Cry For Humility

Cry For Humility
Psa 19:12-13; Jer 2:19

Lord I Cry For Humility
Crush the pride that has blinded me
Forgive my hidden faults and bring the fear of God
Until Your dread’s in me

I will worship in Spirit and in Truth
Teach me discipline, to meditate on You
You gave up Your life, I must give my all to You
Remove the veil so I can see

Grant me grace to see my wickedness
You must increase while I become less
Keep Your servant from wilful sin
So I’ll stand blameless before Your throne


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9. Your Lovingkiness

Your Lovingkindness
Psa 86:5; 63:3; 130:6

Lord You are good to me,
Ready to forgive
Abundant in mercy,
To those who call upon You.

Lord Your lovingkindness is better than life,       (2x)

As the watchman waits for the morning,
My soul waits for You.    (2x)

© 2010 –

10. O The Grace That Saves

O The Grace That Saves
Tit 2:11-14; Jn 1:14; Rom 6:1-2; Heb 4:16

1) O the grace that saves, has appeared to every man,
For it teaches us to say no to all ungodliness,
And live self controlled and godly in the present age we’re in,
While we wait for our Savior, and the blessed hope from Him.

2) What a faithful Priest who has given up His life,
To redeem us from our deeds that are lawless in His sight.
We beheld of His glory when the Word in flesh appeared,
For He came to indwell us and of death remove the fear.

3) What shall we now say? Shall we sin that grace abounds?
Brethren, may it never be that in us this heart is found!
Let us come boldly to the throne of grace in time of need,
To find help for our troubles, and the grace that makes us free!

© 2010 –

11. Behold The Lamb

Behold The Lamb
Isa 53:7; 1 Pet 2:21-23; Jn 1:11

Behold the Lamb’s humility
With mockers at His feet
With bruise and spittle on His face
His suffering near complete
Behold His quiet dignity
As men did laugh and scorn
As blood filled eyes the shame despised
Beneath the crown of thorn (2x)

Behold the Lamb’s meekness displayed
In silence at the rod
As blow by blow each stroke did know
Was all the will of God
Behold what majesty withstood
Such cruelty from men
The silent intercessor groaned
To pardon them from sin (2x)

Behold the Lamb silent and still
While men His skin did flay
Laid down His life through yielded-ness
God’s glory to display
Behold Him stand before the crowd
Rejected by His own
Once hailed as King by multitudes
Now loved by God alone (2x)

Behold the Lamb, O more than see!
This nature I must know
To see alone a curse would be
If only for a show
With tear filled eyes myself despise
And all for Thee would give
To share Your nature, taste Your power
And in Your grace to live (2x)

Words: A Brother In Missouri, USA

© 2010 –

12. Those Who Are Christ’s

Those Who Are Christ’s
2 Tim 3:12; Gal 5:24; Lk 22:42-44; Rom 8:18; 2 Cor 4:16-18

All who desire a godly life
Will suffer for His name
Counting it joy amidst the trials
Knowing that life is gained

Those who are Christ’s have crucified
The body of the flesh
With all its passions and desires
And overcome the tests

You drank the cup, O Lamb of God
You have endured the cross
Poured out Your will, with drops of blood
Showing us how to walk
Worthy are You, O God

The sufferings of this present hour
They cannot be compared
With all the glory and the power
To be, in us, revealed

Outwardly we are perishing
The inward man renewed
Looking to things that are unseen
We put our hope in You

© 2010 –

13. Search Me

Search Me, O God
Psa 139:13-16, 23, 24

Lord, You have formed me and know every part,
You wove me inside of the womb.
Lord, I will praise You with all of my heart,
How marvelous the works You do.


Search me, O God, and know all of my heart;
Try me and know every anxious thought;
See if there is any wicked part,
Lead me in Your righteousness.

Your eyes were on me when I was unformed,
My frame was not hidden from You.
My days were ordained, and were all written down,
How marvelous the works You do.


You are holy,
You are holy,
You are holy, Lord

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14. Let The Children Come

Let The Children Come
Luk 18:16-17; Matt 18:3-4; 21:15

1) Let the children come, the humble ones

For of such is the kingdom

Let the children come, the broken ones

For of such is the kingdom


For we must become like a little child

To enter into the kingdom of God

We must become, little in our own eyes

2) Let the children come, and praise the Son
For of such is the kingdom
Let the children come, with joyful tongues
For of such is the kingdom

3) Let the children come, the little ones
For of such is the kingdom
Let the children come, the greatest ones
For of such is the kingdom


Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna, Hosanna to the King of Kings

© 2010 –

15. Faith Is The Victory

Faith Is The Victory
Rev 3:5; 2:11; 1 Jn 5:4; Matt 24:13; Rev 3:12; 2:26

He who overcomes, shall be clothed in garments white,
I will not blot out, his name from the Book of Life.
He who overcomes, he will not be hurt by death,
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.

Faith is the victory that has overcome the world!
If we endure and keep the faith unto the end
We shall be saved.

He who overcomes, will be a pillar in My house,
He will have My name, and from My presence not go out.
He who overcomes, and keeps My works unto the end,
I will give him power, over every nation.

© 2010 –

16. We Are Glad

We Are Glad
Psalm 126

When the Lord brought back the captives of Zion,
We were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter and singing,
He has done great things.


For the Lord has done great things,
We are glad, we are glad.
Yes the Lord has done great things.

Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Those who weep shall sow the seed.
They shall come again with shouts of joy,
Bringing in the sheaves.

© 2010 –

17. I Will Wait (Live)

I Will Wait
Psa 17:15; Job 14:14; Isa 40:31

You are the living Word
You are glorious and righteous
I shall be satisfied
When I wake in Your likeness

I will wait for my change to come
Till I wake more like the Son
I’m satisfied to be like You Lord

You’re faithful, You are good
You abound in love and mercy
How awesome is Your name
You’re the Christ, the hope of glory

You never tire nor faint
You strengthen those who wait
Hoping in things unseen
I will trust in Your name
© 2010 –