2. Battle Song

Battle Song
Psa 29; Isa 66:6

Let’s dance for Jesus, let’s dance for the LORD
Let’s dance for Jesus, He is our reward
He is our praise, He is our song
We lift our voice, we raise our arms

Let’s shout for Jesus, let’s shout for the LORD
Let’s shout for Jesus, He is our reward
He is our praise, He is our song
We lift our voice, we raise our arms

The voice of the LORD over waters
The voice of the LORD shakes the desert
The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars
The voice of the LORD full of power

The voice of the LORD from the city
The voice of the LORD from the temple
The voice of the LORD like a thunder
The voice of the LORD bringing vengeance

Nations will bow before You
Peoples and tongues will adore You, singing
Glory, glory, glory to the LORD!

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